Everybody's Year

Last week I was having a laugh with my friend jokingly complaining on Facebook about 'selfish' year-end statuses- "You're MINE, 2014!", "2014 is MY year!".

I was like, oo nga naman ano ba naman yung mag-share kayo? Haha.

Kidding aside, people do have the right to claim each year as their own- whatever it brings or it brought to them. It got me thinking of my yearend post- what was my 2013 all about?

2013 was a year of rest. I got a new job that I love just as much but with half the stress, and ample free time to go around. On the side, I got to do stuff I enjoy doing (and actually get paid for it!:p). I got off crazy relationships and useless heartaches. I got to spend time with my family like normal people do. I learned to take things slow and take life easy. As Joel Osteen put it, I got to not just sip my coffee, but got to sip my coffee and say "aaahhh.":)

Sure I had my own share of lows this year, but I couldn't complain. I have friends and family who had big challenges this year. People closest to me had sh*tload of trials and it breaks my heart. Millions of Filipinos suffered the wrath of nature and of men. That breaks my heart even more.

2013 was everybody's year- a year of challenges for some, a year of grief and goodbyes, of lessons and loss. It was a year of successes for others, of laughter, of milestones, of promising future. A year of learning, of healing, growing, fighting and triumphing. One thing's certain for everyone, 2013 is a blessing- because you made it through.

As another year slowly ticks in a few hours, I say to everyone: brace yourself for bigger things to come. :) God has you at the palm of his hands. Not just better, but your best days are ahead.

Go ahead, claim it.

2014 IS yours. :)

'Wag na tayo mag-agawan sa 2014. :)

Have an insanely blessed 2014!:)



  1. "having a laugh"- how very English of you :P

    1. Don't you love that? It's like may tawanan you know.:)) Happy new year Yen!


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